The center is a not for profit 501 (c3) corporation formed for
and dedicated to providing environmental education in
urban areas; cultivating and encouraging cultural
exchange towards regenerative living that can be
developed and taught through a network of educational
centers throughout the country.
We start with Environmental Education in urban areas and
develop cultural exchange towards regenerative living,
for example cultivating imagination, engagement,
connection and reflection, artists help us to think
critically and creatively about ecological degradation,
resource extraction, climate change and other
environmental subjects. They explore, analyze, and
critique the complex material of the social contexts of
urban centers, often leading to solutions for
regenerative living. They demonstrate that the Arts can
powerfully influence and provide personal learning
experiences that transcend the ages, inviting citizens
to engage with their communities through emotional, and
creative lenses, therefore helping to shift attitude
changes to support regenerative living to conserve what
we have and learning to live in harmony with nature for
our children and future generations.